Korrie Sparks
As a doctor of occupational therapy, Korrie Sparks supports Soma Center to understand the whole child through in-depth evaluations. Assessments involve 2-3 hours of in-person testing using the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT), the gold standard of sensory integration testing. This is a battery of 17 tests to understand your child’s ability to register and interpret sensory information including vision, touch, balance, body awareness, auditory processing, and praxis. Insights from testing can provide a deeper understanding of your child’s nervous system and support pin-pointed and effective treatment. You are provided with a 10-12 page report that can be used to support wellbeing at home, school, and within the community.
Korrie specializes in the assessment of children with varying diagnoses, including but not limited to autism, sensory processing disorders, ADD/ADHD, twice exceptional, social-emotional vulnerabilities, and developmental trauma. She has extensive experience collaborating and consulting with families, school staff, and multidisciplinary teams including speech, physical therapists, and psychologists. She received her masters and doctorate degree from the University of Southern California (USC) in 2013. Her doctoral work included intensive training in Ayres Sensory Integration® and the development, implementation and evaluation of a school-based mindfulness program with over 100 kindergarteners and 1st graders. She is certified in Sensory Integration through USC/WPS and has volunteered as a normative data collector for the Evaluation of Ayres Sensory Integration (EASI), a new standardized test designed to measure sensory integration abilities. Korrie has also worked with the Collaborative for Leadership in Ayres Sensory Integration (CLASI) to co-facilitate treatment courses. She is fortunate to call Dr. Susanne Smith Roley her close mentor as a first-generation student of Dr. A. Jean Ayres.
Before moving to Boulder from Southern California in 2020, Korrie worked in private practice as a clinic and community based OT. She also worked as a school-based therapist with school districts across Southern California and provided Independent Educational Evaluations (IEEs) as second opinions. She is well-versed in IDEA special education law and has supported countless families in advocating for school-based services. In 2022, Korrie worked as an OT for Boulder Community Health within the pediatric rehabilitation department. After the department’s closure in December 2022, she opened her private practice in South Boulder. During her free time, Korrie loves taking adventures in nature, reading, creating “cozy” spaces, dancing, cooking, and taking walks through the mountains with her miniature dachshund Darcy.